Hilary Hart one day workshop

Join us on Sunday March 4 at St Ethelburga’s Centre in London, for a one-day workshop with Hilary Hart.

hilary workshop

In this workshop, we take a deep dive into the power of listening as a practice in our daily lives. Activities and exercises help us learn how to enter a field of listening that is creative and receptive. Participants will learn to identify what we want and need to hear from deep within ourselves and from each other, first steps in any genuine relationship. And we practice the state that allows for inner union of masculine and feminine energies, which creates the wholeness from which we can relate to all life. Ultimately, listening as a spiritual practice allows us to become the ground of oneness on every level, from most practical and mundane, to the most essential. Join us as we practice listening as an invitation to union, participating in the creative process at the core of our spiritual life, the process that can help birth the future.

This workshop is open to men and women both, people who identify with alternate genders, and includes meditation, storytelling, exercises.

Book tickets here!

hilaryAbout Hilary Hart:
Hilary lives in Taos, New Mexico. Her writing and teaching focus on women’s spiritual power and the role it can play in our global evolution. Her most recent book, Body of Wisdom, brings together dreams and experiences of women with teachings from today’s most visionary spiritual leaders to describe the esoteric foundations of women’s power and its functions in our collective evolution. Born in Boston, Hilary went to Yale University and received a Masters Degree in Philosophy from CU Boulder. She has extensive experience in Sufism and Tibetan Buddhism.